Full Blast

A blog from the beach: sand strewn, sun sinking. We’re in Nicaragua working in five rural communities helping people re-roof houses and soaking in the happy…

Like the start of many a good adventure, getting here was nothing short of a challenge. One of cancelled flights, delayed busses, exhaustion, exploding laptops, a lot of laughs… but let’s leave it at that for now. We’re here.

We moved into a cute neighbourhood far enough away from the city’s crazy days and even crazier nights. We share a modest house with geckos and the odd cockroach. Most days the kids from next door are on our couch: laughing at our imperfect grammar, wanting to play soccer, light fireworks in pop cans, or play the new “rock” game we’ve been unwillingly dragged into.  (It’s kind of like playing ‘tag’ but with rocks… we tend to lose as we refuse to whip rocks at small children…)

This week has been productive and all kinds of fun. We met with the municipality (of coastal city San Juan Del Sur) to see if we could get any local support or direction for our current re-roofing initiative. The new mayor took a liking to the project and has decided to work alongside Latitude, even providing the transport for our large roofing materials into the villages (which typically accounts for our biggest cost.) This means we can stretch our budget to helping more families. We’re really excited about the warm embrace and opportunity to collaborate.

The next step is the selection process wherein we will be holding community meetings with each of the five villages to reach a consensus on the beneficiaries of the new roofs. We’ll write again after that and let you know how it goes… From there it’s game time. Bangin’ nails!

So much to learn, so much to do, so much to enjoy. Trying to focus on what is right in front of us. Everyday surprised by something, challenged, intrigued. Supported by strangers, seduced by the sea, inspired by the volume at which people live their lives. Life in full volume.

Excited because everyday brings a little bit more magic. Right now, for example, I’m melting into a hammock at Playa Maderas*: watching the waves, smiling at strangers, sun-kissed travelers sipping frosty toñas, devouring books, cultivating friendships. That’s what is right in front of me. Light mind, dirty fingernails, curious eyes.

Craving a new pen, one with a finer tip and more flow. But other than that, we’ve got everything we need right now.

paz y un abrazo,

*For those of you who don’t know- we’re volunteers (as in: we don’t get paid!) That being said, some days our office is moved to the beach. And… some days we even leave the office behind. For us it’s all in the balance… we work hard but we love to play.