Education Enhancement Program


To enhance existing schools with major infrastructure upgrades, teaching materials, supplies, and books. 

Each schools’ needs differ: some have roofs that are leaking, some need solar panels to provide electricity, some lack basic infrastructure such as chairs and desks. Often, kids can’t continue to attend school because they can’t afford the necessary uniform or supplies. All of the schools need restocking and updating of materials and resources.

Beneficiary Communities:

The Latitude Project traveled to both preschools and primary schools in 14 rural communities stocked with materials, paint, desks…. whatever it took to ensure that their schools are sources of dignity, pride, and social justice. Latrines were rebuilt, water systems installed, roofs and kitchens repaired, and more. Teachers + students participated in the process: sanding desks, varnishing, building latrines and wells.. getting classrooms ready for a fresh new year.  Past projects have proven that by rejuvenating the schools themselves comes a significant increase in student + teacher morale and drive to continue education.


Access to Education:

The communities offer access to education for young children. Teachers are trained by the Ministry of Education and classes are offered for preschool to sixth grade. Lunches are provided for kids and parents take turns to cook the meals. Families struggle to afford the notebooks, pencils, and other materials needed for school. Teachers are often not equipped with the necessary textbooks & materials. In order to continue education beyond sixth grade, students must travel to San Juan del Sur.  (An impossibility for many families)