Preschool in Collado
To partner with the NicarAGUA International Development Project and the community of Collado to build a new preschool.
With over 35 preschool aged kids in the community, families felt a desperate need for a safe space for the children to go and learn. Without a school, parents were forced to stay home and look after the young children, unable to work and generate an income.
project information:
Latitude and The NicarAGUA International Development Project started breaking ground in late 2010, with Latitude co-founders Alanna and Jenn spending nearly two months learning the ins and outs of the construction business; mastering the art of mixing concrete, digging holes, and using rebar, not to mention creating long lasting relationships in the community.
Community leaders created a time sheet, allowing each community member to participate in the construction of the school. Since construction was completed in early 2011, The Latitude Project has returned yearly to ensure the school is well-stocked and properly maintained.
“To see the Latitude Project at work in Nicaragua means joining a community for the benefit of many, working tightly together with dedication and heart for the needs of families.”