
This project is being spearheaded by The Latitude Project, Kevin Loustaunau and Peter Obermeyer.



To partner with the region of Cardenas to design and implement long-term solutions to their clean water crisis.

The region of Cardenas is struggling with a multifaceted water crisis. The wells in 4 communities are contaminated and likely salinated. Community members must travel over 2 km on foot daily to access a creek for water. This project will be executed in three phases. Latitude has partnered with this region to install in-home water filters, investigate the current contaminants in the existing wells, and implement a sustainable solution to provide access to a water source within the community.


This project will benefit 4 communities within the region of Cardenas, with a total population of 1335 people.

  1. Canita

  2. El Triunfo

  3. Rio Mena

  4. Los Angeles

phase one:

The Latitude Project will first install 225 bio-sand water filters in the region, to allow community members access to clean water. While implementing the water filtration systems, Latitude will collect water samples from the existing wells to determine the cause of contamination and confirm the salinization of the water. This information will allow us to direct Phase Two; finding a sustainable solution to the contamination crisis. Community members will attend an educational seminar to learn about the water filters and how to construct them, as well as the negative effects of consuming contaminated water and the importance of proper hygiene practices.

the technology:

The Latitude Project installed bio-sand water filters, a simple yet effective water filtration technology adapted from the traditional slow sand filter being used for community water treatment for 200+ years. Our bio-sand water filters are built in plastic containers, layering rock, course gravel, and fine sand. The physical and biological process in the filter sand layer remove pathogens and turbidity.  

Contaminated water is poured into the top of the filter on an intermittent basis. The water slowly passes through the diffuser, and percolates down through the biolayer, sand and gravel. Treated water naturally flows from the outlet pipe into a safe storage container.
